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Building with hempcrete: an ecological, sustainable solution with a carbon-negative footprint


Residential and commercial buildings are some of the greatest energy consumers and CO2 emitters. At the moment, buildings are responsible for 40% of the total energy consumption in Europe, while thermal heating is the greatest energy consumer, at over 50%.

The Award of Excellence

Happy to announce that Carmeuse has received the Award of Excellence in the field of constructions and installations in Romania

ViaCalco®: Special hydraulic lime-based binders

VIACALCO® HYDRAULIC BINDERS are made of a mixture of lime and hydraulic compounds,

They are pulverulent materials with hydraulic properties which correspond to the need of improving the physical and mechanical characteristics of the different types of cohesive soils (plasticity index, free swel, humidity reduction, increase of compressive strength), as well as their stabilization.



We are happy to see that more and more people understand the benefits of lime use in constructions and choose to go the “back to the roots”, using traditional building materials combined with modern technologies, for what really matters: a durable, environmental friendly construction, with a comfortable and healthy indoor living space.